Stream link is dedicated to provide quality of service and committed to delivering leading edge technology to enhance your life. StreamLink Fiber Optic DSL service is a cost-effective, easy-to-deploy, high speed internet access for Corporate, Home and individual users. StreamLink Fiber Optic DSL service provides its customers with extremely reliable and high speed access to Internet, backed by solid-customer support.
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, or ADSL, is a type of DSL line that allows you to access the Internet at a much higher speed than your standard 56k modem (between 10 times and 40 times faster).The service makes use of your existing telephone line, and enables voice and high-speed data to be sent simultaneously over the line.
StreamLink offers variety of bandwidth and service packages. StreamLink has designed DSL packages to suit most organizations and individuals in Afghanistan.
StreamLinkoffers connectivity from 64 Kbps to 4Mbps on its various pre-paid and post-paid packages with the option for availing Value Added Services (VAS) like Video Conferencing, Multiplayer gaming, Web Hosting, Email Hosting/Security, LAN/WAN setup and configuration etc. at customer’s premises, which will be billed separately.
For details, please contact StreamLink Sales Department. All three packages come with one static IP. StreamLink has designed packages for both Corporate and Home users.
DSL Home Packages